Zonta Radio Day – Friday, April 29, 2016 @ The Bottlecap Lounge, 5 to 8 pm

radio day brocure


Please join us for our 34th annual Radio Day Event!
Friday, April 29, 2016, Bottlecap Lounge, 5 to 8 pm

Thanks to WEOW 92.7 for our live broadcast!

You can purchase radio ads and chance drawing tickets online!

chance drawing

To do so, please use area below:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Phone Number(required)

Please indicate if you are purchasing Ads and/or Chance Drawing Tickets
AdChance Drawing Ticket(s)

If purchasing an ad, please choose the ad type
1. Radio Sponsor - LIVE 2 minute interview ($275)2. Radio Sponsor - six 30 second spots ($275)3. Single Ad - 30 second ($50)4. Single Ad - 60 second LIVE ($100)

If you chose ad styles 2 or 3, please include your ad, or indicate if you would like a Zontain to write one for you

If you are purchasing Chance Drawing Tickets, please indicate the quantity

If you are purchasing an ad or chance drawing tickets due to a discussion with a particular Zontian, please include her name here

Please check this box to confirm your purchase

IMPORTANT:  To actually pay for the tickets and/or radio ads, please click the Donate button below.  You can use credit cards as well as PayPal.

Please fill out the Paypal section on your donation page that reads: PLEASE ENTER REASON FOR DONATION and include your name, phone number and reason for donation (ad, chance drawing tickets or both) so that we can align your payment with your order.

Thank you!



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